Migration, Cultura y Culture: Junio 2010

Dedican canción a inmigrantes en EU, Junio 15, 2010
Dallas. Reyli, Carlos Santana, Ramón Ayala, El Tri, Los Cardenales de Nuevo León y Maná, entre otros artistas, interpretan el Claro que se puede, dedicado a los derechos humanos y a los trabajadores latinos en Estados Unidos, que se estrenará en julio próximo. El corte está incluido en el disco Proyecto de amor (Project of Love), producción realizada por la Fundación Hermes Music en conjunto con la Fundación Dolores Huerta, que estará en el mercado entre septiembre y octubre de este año, bajo un sello disquero trasnacional. Claro que se puede fue compuesta por Alberto Kreimerman, Dolores Huerta y David Arizmendi.

[Video] Departure
"USC School of Cinematic Arts student produced "Departure." Ben Casey's prejudices are challenged by an unexpected encounter with two illegal immigrants in the San Diego hills that border Mexico. This film was made to in order to remind us of the human element we tend to overlook when focused on border politics. I hope this story inspires people to think with a more open mind, heart, and imagination. Writer/director: Paloma Martinez. Password is: usc2010.

New Kind of Immigration Check Point in California
Unless you've been living under a rock (or have been consumed by American Idol), you know about the controversy surrounding the recent Arizona immigration law. I like playing the game of "flip the script," and wondering "what if" things were to play out differently? I think we turn out as better people, and our country is strengthened, when we stop to exam an issue from many perspectives. Enjoy.

[Video] "Do I look Illegal?" A question for Arizona
Legalizing racial/ethnic profiling will inevitably single out every person who fits the description both legal and illegal. This will open the path to statewide discrimination of all people who fit the illegal profile regardless of immigrant status. There has to be a better way, Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 is wrong for Arizona wrong for America.

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