Outsourcing a Refugee Crisis: U.S. Paid Mexico Millions to Target Central Americans Fleeing Violence.

Democracy Now
, October 13, 2015

As immigration has become a key issue on the campaign trail, we look at a startling new report that finds "the United States has outsourced a refugee problem to Mexico that is similar to the refugee crisis now roiling Europe." In her New York Times opinion piece, "The Refugees at Our Door," Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sonia Nazario describes how the Obama administration is paying the Mexican government to keep people from reaching the U.S. border—people who often have legitimate asylum claims. We speak to Nazario about the harrowing stories she heard from Central American refugees in shelters in southern Mexico.

Remesas ganan a petroleo y turismo

Remesas ganan a petroleo y turismo
Las remesas se consolidaron como una de las principales fuentes de divisas para el país, arriba de la exportación de petróleo y la llegada de turistas extranjeros, en un momento en que la migración hacia Estados Unidos comenzó a crecer nuevamente después de varios años de permanecer prácticamente sin cambio, de acuerdo con información divulgada este jueves por el Banco de México y analistas privados. http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2015/10/02/economia/023n1eco