ODA Otros Dreams en Acción

ODA Website
Otros Dreams en Acción is a grassroots community dedicated to mutual support and political action by and for those who lived in the united states and are now in mexico due to deportation, threat of deportation, the deportation of a family member, and/or other obstacles.

Otros Dreams en Acción is significant in three important ways. First, ODA advocates for the claim to free mobility—as members of the United States national community from our current location, al otro lado, in towns and cities across Mexico. Second, ODA advocates for integration and transformation in Mexico. And last but not least, the members of ODA support each other, independent of what someone may have done in the past, the circumstances under which someone returned to Mexico, and the diversity of immigration status and mobility within our community.

We are committed to the struggle for the full recognition of our Human Rights as immigrants wherever we may find ourselves, and we are also committed to our Human Responsibilities to care for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the natural resources that sustain all of us.

We are not a typical non-profit organization. We are a members-based, grassroots organization funded through the heartfelt work and dedication of our members, direct donations, and project-based grants. We make decisions through consensus and distribute resources according to dynamic priorities and circumstances.

Voceros(as) in ODA

The idea of Otros Dreams en Acción was created just before sunset on October 28, 2015 over a meal in Newport Beach, California. Without knowing exactly what would come next, but with the determination to keep the embers glowing from all that had come before, Maggie Loredo and Jill Anderson committed to build ODA. They met each other and a growing network of bilingual and bicultural youth in Mexico via the book Los Otros Dreamers.  Donations from the book funded the founding of ODA and the creation of this website.

Today, ODA is supported by allies around the world, a strong network of returned and deported across Mexico.

 ODA recognizes and values how each person in our community are in the midst of their own personal, trans-formative process and at different points along that path may be prepared to actively join us. We welcome anybody who would like to be part of a specific project and/or as voceros(as).

ODA en Facebook

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